How do we quantify the emissions reductions and carbon offsets by using Stack Blocks?
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a mechanism established under the Kyoto Protocol, which allows industrialized countries to meet part of their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by investing in emission reduction projects in developing countries. CDM-SSC-PDD (Clean Development Mechanism Small-Scale Project Design Document) is a form that project developers fill out to document the design of their small-scale CDM projects. It includes information such as the project description, expected emission reductions, and monitoring plan.
Using the CDM-SSC-PDD form to evaluate the Stak Block is important because it allows for an objective and standardized assessment of the project's potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Stak Block is a building block made out of rice straw, which is a waste product that is currently burned in many parts of the world, contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By using the Stak Block instead of traditional building materials, such as concrete or bricks, the project has the potential to reduce emissions associated with the production of these materials and the transportation of building materials to construction sites.
By completing the CDM-SSC-PDD form, the Stak Block project developers can provide information on the expected emission reductions, the technology used to produce the building blocks, the monitoring plan to ensure the project is implemented as planned, and other relevant information. This information can then be reviewed by third-party validators and verifiers to ensure the project meets the requirements of the CDM and to verify the emission reductions achieved by the project. This validation and verification process is important to ensure that the emission reductions claimed by the project are real, measurable, and additional to what would have occurred in the absence of the project.
In summary, using the CDM-SSC-PDD form to evaluate the Stak Block project is important because it provides a standardized and objective framework to assess the project's potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and ensures that the emission reductions claimed by the project are real, measurable, and additional. Download: Stak Blocks CDM-SSC-PDD form